Man taking notes at desk outside

The end of the year is often a time for reflection – when we think back, consider our goals and what we accomplished – and a time for ideation – when we look ahead, imagine possibilities and set new objectives. Given the year we’ve had, it’s understandable to feel a bit apprehensive about what 2021…

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Team Work

It’s no secret that high-performing teams positively impact organizational success. They require less oversight, they tend to be more motivated and they work productively toward shared goals. Senior business executives also believe that high-performing teams enhance culture, employee retention, profitability and risk mitigation. The role teams play in supporting the success of their organizations has…

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Employee Voice

How is your organization soliciting and utilizing the voices of your employees? In these unfamiliar times, it’s essential to hear from your staff to support company objectives, including: Enhancing employee engagement Promoting inclusion Inspiring innovation Believing that your opinions matter at work is one of the top drivers of employee engagement. When your company and…

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Business woman having a video call with cowork

High-performing teams are so important to business success. Effective collaboration has been shown to increase productivity, strengthen innovation, enhance profitability as well as support employee engagement and retention. Creating high-performing teams is not an easy task. It takes time and an ongoing commitment to keep staff members aligned and engaged with one another. Virtual and…

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Girls Laughing

Organizations have experienced a lot of ups and downs this year with economic and pandemic challenges. Leaders have had to focus on navigating a volatile, unfamiliar business landscape while making adjustments to support the long-term health of their companies. It’s no surprise that employee morale may also ebb and flow as organizations adapt to challenging…

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As so much in our lives has shifted over the past several months – and continues to do so – I know many people who may be feeling a bit tapped out on change. I even wrote a blog post about how to support adaptability in the face of constant transformation! Still, we know that…

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Change fatigue is real. As organizations have had to navigate monumental shifts in the way they approach business, employees have experienced an abundance of transitions in their: Office space Routine Processes and procedures Workplace relationships Collaboration and communication practices Company culture While some adjustments have been more gradual, others have had to take place at…

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conversation between two business

Whether you’re a natural debater or prefer to avoid conflict, being able to address challenging topics is a lifelong skill that can support your professional development. When can you have open, honest conversations with direct reports, team members, leadership or colleagues in a respectful way, you can cultivate stronger working relationships, better team dynamics and…

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