Four people team work

While you’re likely quite familiar with terms like IQ and EQ, you may be just learning about the newest “quotient” in the business world: adaptability. Over the past year, the adaptability quotient (AQ) has started to get quite a bit of attention. In its Worklife 101 series, the BBC even wrote about the rising importance…

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Have you ever had a customer service experience that inspired you to write a review or talk about it with a friend? If so, it’s likely that the company – and their customer service representatives – left either a fantastic or negative impression on you. Customer service has a major impact on your business. Companies…

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work discussion

Honesty is the best policy. A half-truth is a whole lie. No legacy is as rich as honesty. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. There is no shortage of sayings and proverbs about the importance of being open and candid. Even in our business lives, it’s clear that transparency is significant…

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Employee Writing

Diversity and inclusion are two of the most important topics in Human Resources – and organizations at large – today. While a decade ago this focus was driven largely from a place of legal concerns and compliance, leading companies are now rightly recognizing diversity as a critical business driver that supports their organization’s long-term success.…

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Teaching Employees on Whiteboard

Losing high performing employees is difficult for managers, teams and your overall organization. Turnover doesn’t just impact morale and productivity. It also leads to the added costs of: Paying for job postings Recruiting Time spent interviewing candidates Training your new hire Building their skills to achieve optimal performance It takes a lot to replace team…

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It seems that companies are striving to operate at a third-third Assertive pace these days. As the World Economic Forum describes, innovation and disruption are occurring more quickly than ever before, and organizations are shifting their methods of operation to succeed in rapidly changing environments. While Information Technology, Research & Development and Product Development teams…

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Two Women Talking

How many job descriptions have you read (or created) that include “excellent communication skills” as a requirement? With the impact communication has on businesses, it’s no wonder that so many companies seek out these competencies to contribute to their workplace environment. Salesforce reported that 86 percent of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or…

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The Matrix Team

As companies seek to be more adaptive to changing market demands, traditional siloed team structures are no longer the norm in organizational design. We’re finding that matrixed and cross-functional teams are becoming more common. In the U.S., one study showed that 84 percent of employees reported they were matrixed to some extent, and McKinsey shared…

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Team meeting

Learning and development is no longer a luxury in the workplace; it’s a necessity. As training becomes a staple in the corporate environment, we are seeing a greater focus on the process behind implementing successful learning initiatives. According to the Association for Talent Development’s 2018 State of the Industry report, companies continue to increase their…

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When you’re speaking with prospective employees, how do you talk about your organization’s benefits package? Traditionally, when candidates ask about benefits, employers highlight their healthcare and life insurance options, vacation and family leave policies or their retirement plans. While these elements remain important, younger working generations are causing companies to think differently about what they…

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